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Online marketing Guide for beginners | Telegenic Marketing
Jason Craver • May 29, 2019

Online marketing is a fast-moving and evolving field. To be in the pace you must have strong knowledge and capability, to think and act independently and be creative at the same time. This article will help you to develop skills to be at the top of this fast-moving industry. This article is mainly focused on the marketing beginners, experienced entrepreneurs, and owners of small businesses.

When you read this guide from start to finish, you will be able to connect with the many moving parts of marketing to your big-picture goal, which is ROI.

Be customer-focused

Your business totally depends on your customers, potential clients, and business partners. You must have a marketing strategy designed by these people. You must start with what your customers want. Read ahead to know how you can build good personal connections and also improve the ROI of your company by crafting customer value plans.

Building a marketing framework

Any medium level marketer will always think in terms of campaigns. But a great marketer will think for growth frameworks. You must learn how to place your marketing strategy in a continuous, ROI focused revenue system for your business. Make the best use of metrics to develop a strong revenue system.

Developing a brand story

When a person spends money on something, he thinks both practically and emotionally. Your marketing framework should be such that it focuses both of these. Storytelling is a great tool that you can use to get to develop strong customer connections.

How to get site traffic

You might have one of the finest websites , blog or services in the world but if you are not getting any site traffic, your business development plan will fail. There are many free and paid traffic acquisition frameworks that will help to direct visitors to your website.

Conversion optimization

Traffic acquisition is just half of the marketing strategy. You also need to put some time in building a marketing strategy to drive in more sales. The practice of conversion optimization includes 2 major steps-

  1. Converting new visitors into customers
  2. Converting first-time buyers into long-lasting buyers

Content marketing

Content marketing is not just blogging. If done correctly, content types such as articles, guides, webinars, and videos can be highly beneficial to bring in growth for your business. Focus on developing trust for your website and produce amazing quality content. Great content can help you to generate high-quality ROI with the use of right metrics.

Paid channel advertising

You could come across paid channel marketing in one form or another. The forms may include, Search Engine Marketing, online advertising or PPC. Many times marketing professionals use these terms interchangeably to define the same topic. Many marketers refrain from this technique because it includes money. But this point of view has a disadvantage with it. No company can run PPC campaigns without planned budgets because it will anyway generate ROI.

Email marketing

Email marketing does not have much reputation now because of the way people start spamming on emails. If done correctly email marketing can be highly powerful. The technique is to focus on building relations before talking about sales and business.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing has been in the field since the initial days of online marketing. Businesses that want the least risk or have budget constraints can adopt this great marketing strategy. This method can help to generate a new revenue system for your business.

SEO – Search engine optimization

A search engine is a great channel to interact with new customers. Big MNCs like Google and Bing try to connect with their customers as much as possible to give the best UX. Get a great SEO strategy for yourself to ensure that your website content is in their best possible position. Moreover, you need to submit that UX to search engines so that your website gets the best rank.

PR- Public Relations

Suppose you have just launched a brand new product or app. Now you need everyone to know about it to make it popular. If done correctly, good PR can be done effectively and with lesser cost than advertising.

Social media strategy

Social media does not include only Facebook and Twitter. If done correctly, social media is a great user interaction medium and also helps to direct huge traffic to your website. People get carried away and start creating profiles on each social media platform. This is wrong. Instead, you must focus on some best platforms where you think you can reach the maximum potential clients.

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